Herbal Medicine through the Zodiac: Scorpio (Mars/Pluto, Water, Fixed)

October 21st - November 20th

Mars/Pluto | Water | Fixed

Ruled by the Water Element, related to the 2nd Chakra; Svadisthana. Scorpio governs our feeling nature, our emotional waters, our sensuality and the most hidden parts of our beings. Through Scorpio we meet with our shadow sides, are purified on the deepest level, and reclaim our emotional sovereignty.

Scorpio invites us to meet with our inner landscapes, to sit through the whole cycle of life and death, in order to be transformed and reborn.

Scorpio season coincides with the the middle of fall; a season of darkness, cooler weather and bare trees. This is a very Yin Season, holding the energetics of Fixed Water.


Sympathetic- Cold and moist. We see this dynamic reflected both in the Water element and the quality of Fixed. However, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (and Pluto), meaning we can also see dryness and heat in this sign, particularly on the psychological/mental levels.

Anti-pathetic- Hot and dry.


Scorpio is a complex sign, where there are quite a few contradictions. Correlating to the Water Element and the quality of Fixed, we immediately see a predisposition for a Kapha type constitution: we can often see thick, luscious hair, oiler skin, and a sturdy frame. Full lips and big eyes are also common.

However, Scorpio is ruled by Mars, which is hot and fiery, meaning we’ll see a more dynamic and active archetype than traditionally seen with Kapha (such as seen in its opposite sign, Taurus).


Large intestine, reproductive organs (prostate gland in men, and cervix in women), sacral area, urinary tract, bladder, and the nose. Organs of reproduction and elimination are typically associated with Scorpio, directly linked to the cycle of life and death, of creation and destruction, of building up and breaking down.

In terms disease potential, we see that with Fixed Water there can be a tendency towards accumulation and stagnation. In the tissues, this can lead to accumulation of toxins and “ama”. With Scorpio ruling the sacral area and the colon, constipation and digestive complications can be an issue. Digestive stagnation is known to be at the root of many modern diseases- and when this issue has moved deeper into the body, it can manifest as allergies and food intolerances, bacterial disbiosis, leaky gut syndrome, inflammation and autoimmune diseases etc.

A common complaint for Scorpios are urinary tract infections (UTI’s), due to imbalance of the waters in the body and stagnation in the urinary tract. Diuretic tonics can be helpful here.

Another important organ system that falls under Scorpio’s rulership is the skin. The skin is purified through sweating (Water); The actions of sweating, fever and heat all fall under a Mars rulership. The effect of Mars on Fixed Kapha can be very supportive, helping to warm and dry out tissues that have become too moist, damp and cold.


The primary herbal actions that either are beneficial for particular Scorpio diseases, or bear a strong Scorpionic action include diuretics and diaphoretics, alternatives, bitters, reproductive tonics, laxatives, aphrodisiacs and immune stimulants.

Taste wise, we see the bitter taste (meaning the bitter quality) as being highly beneficial, helping to treat damp stagnation in the body. Bitter remedies help to drain excess moisture from the body’s tissues, open elimination channels and clear stagnation in the body.


Nettle Root (Urtica dioica)- A classic Mars remedy. Fixed quality (root). Affinity for the male reproductive system. Relieves stagnation and tonifies the tissues.

Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium)- bitter tonic. alternative. Stimulates the digestive system and helps to clear damp stagnation.

Devil’s Club (oplopanax horridus)- An ally for journeying into the underworld and for spiritual protection. Fixed Water in Nature, and helps to balance the Fixed Water quality in our bodies.